A brief analysis of immunology education

Keywords: Didactic resources, Immunology, Education.


Brazil ranks 11th in immunology research. The Brazilian Society of Immunology, SBI, represents Brazilian immunologists and, to encourage scientific production in the area, organizes annual scientific meetings with papers covering 13 areas, one of them education in immunology. In order to analyze the area of education in immunology (EI), a survey was carried out of the abstracts presented at the SBI Congresses, in the EI area from 2012 to 2016. There is a predominance of works aimed at higher education students and professionals. The approach of using didactic resources / teaching strategies predominates, showing a tendency to make learning more meaningful, however planning is necessary to actually assist in the construction of knowledge.


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How to Cite
Cunha, J., Tamiasso-Martinhon, P., & Sanches Rocha , A. (2017). A brief analysis of immunology education. Scientiarum Historia Magazine, 1(1), 8. Retrieved from
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