And what about Cosmopolitics? On other modes of doing politics
This brief article intends to outline cosmopolitics as a theme, as it has been recently worked on by different authors. Cosmopolitics critically revisits a term that is linked to the idea of cosmopolitanism, since its goal is not to think of all humans as equal citizens of a great polis projected throughout the world, but to think precisely about the other-humans (and non-human others) who live beyond the single world within the walls of the polis; and whose practices are, therefore, beyond politics ⏤ as a mode of action and collective organization of equal citizens in a polis, a political unit. What is it to do politics with the extra-political (the so-called nature outside the city) and the outer-worldly (that which our Euro-Modern-Western notion of the world cannot conceive of as agents)? Other forms of life, social practices, and ontologies carry with them political implications that need to be taken into consideration. The cosmopolitical discussion is tentatively intends to open up this rich field of conflicts and negotiations. If this brief text succeeds, we will see in the end that there are many shades and 'flavors' of practices and theories in the emerging cosmopolitical landscape.
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